We will visit your setting and together we will reflect upon your current provision and practice. Any areas that could be improved upon will be identified and prioritised. Subsequently, we will agree SMART goals and an individual action plan will be created.
This plan will clearly highlight your Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely goals and the next steps you need to take. This initial visit usually lasts between two and three hours and it will be followed up with an editable action plan. How much support you need after this is entirely up to you but we can schedule catch-up sessions at key points in your action plan to review how things are going. This can be a further one-to-one visit, a telephone call or an email.
This service is not only useful to providers wanting to prepare for their upcoming OFSTED inspection but also to those wanting to improve upon their last Ofsted grade, or to be able to offer free nursery places to 2, 3 & 4 year olds, or for those that were previously graded as 'inadequate' or 'requires improvement'.

Childminders work extremely hard - often for very long hours and often in isolation. It can be a juggle to find the time for planning, updating children's learning journals, writing newsletters, reviewing contracts, completing assessments, meeting new parents, managing accounts, attending mullti-agency team meetings and drafting policies & contracts. On top of that, there is finding the time to fit in family life, a social life and time for studying and training.
We will arrange a visit with you whereupon we will help you to streamline your paperwork in a way that meets all of the welfare requirements whilst eliminating unnecessary and burdensome policies & procedures, refining risk benefit assessments, minimising the content of learning journals without reducing the quality and introducing a paperless planning system to your daily or weekly routine.
This is the childminding training you've all been waiting for.

Childminders face many challenges today when you consider that schools are now offering extended hours for wraparound care &free nursery entitlement for eligible 2 year olds, informal childcare arrangements being increased from 2 hours to 3 hours plus, of course, the emerging childminder agencies.
Our health check enables us to collaboratively identify those factors that can improve the sustainability of your childminding business. We will meet up with you and undertake a SWOT analysis - exploring the Strengths and Weaknesses of your setting; evaluating the Opportunities available to you and; identifying any Threats against the success of your business.
We will highlight where you can reduce costs and adapt your provision to meet the needs of local families. We will demonstrate how you can take a pro-active approach to managing local competition and pinpoint your unique selling points. Our health check has been useful not only to experienced Childminders but to those who are new to the profession or are considering childminding as a possible career choice.
We have a vast range of experience and knowledge of early years, including working with 2 year olds, the EYFS and Ofsted inspection frameworks. We offer personalised support and face to face guidance in the comfort of your own setting. Whether you want to learn how to create Chatterboxes & Babblebaskets or a communication-rich outdoor environment; how to complete a 2 year old progress check or a self evaluation form; how to incoporate 'letters and sounds' into your routine or dialogic book talk - the options are as individual as you, your team and your setting. Simply let us know what you want, or need, and we will deliver it.